Posted tagged ‘job frustration’

Rainbow Country

January 15, 2009

I came home last night to a pitch black apartment. The power was out and after a phone call to my landlord and then the power company, I got the news it would be a few hours. The good news is that they would come look. The bad news was that until then, no laptop, no internet, no lights for reading or writing, no stereo for dancing, nadda.

Without my usual comforting  companions to work through the night with I had a lot of quiet time. Actually, that’s funny because my Goddess card yesterday said “Quiet Time.” I just made that connection. Ha! Anyway, I spent the evening trying to meditate and pray and be open to some answers. I’ve been feeling restless again. The palmist told me everything I needed was here, in Los Angeles. Some days I just don’t see it. I’m trying to see it; but I don’t necessarily. I am yearning for a change, some kind of mix-up. An extended trip out of the U.S., a great and well funded writing gig to present itself, some new opportunities, a weekend away, a new job. . .

I feel ready. I’ve been working at it for several years now, and very intensely for the last year. I’m ready for Duchess to start taking off and becoming my business. I’m ready to find a sample maker to manufacture my backpack. I’m ready for travel again. I’m ready for love and romance and adventure again. But last night especially, I was ready for the power to come back on!

I called around 10pm to check again with the power company and the operator told me the crew had stopped by and checked the meter. Someone had turned off the switch to our apartment (he couldn’t say malicious or accidental – but certainly with purpose).

Me: So how do I turn it back on?

Him: Walk to the side of the building and open up the meter panels.

Me: Are you going to talk me through it? I don’t know how.

Him: Yes. It’s easy but I can talk you through it. Grab a flashlight.

Me: I don’t have a flashlight.

Him: Young lady, this is earthquake country. You need a radio, a flashlight and extra batteries in the house at all times. Will you do that?

Me: Yes (thinking, earthquake country? I’d rather be in Bob Marley’s world and have the power operator say, it’s Rainbow Country, grab your bag of skittles).

And so I used my lifeline option to call a “friend” at the power company who showed me how to restore light into my life. And who helped me wise up a little on the emergency preparedness. By the way, it was simple, just a flip of a switch outside on the meter. I even said, “It’s that easy to turn on?” And the operator responded, “Yes, but it’s that easy to turn off too.” I felt like we were discussing philosophy. Some throw back to a Nietzsche conversation.

The experience helped to put the darkness in perspective for me. So today’s quote is a Swedish proverb about facing fear and its illusions. I hope it helps to keep things in perspective and to help you turn on the light. It can be that easy.

“Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.”
